As busy moms and business owners, so many things need to get done and as a result, our marriages slide down the priorities list. Why do so many couples end up feeling more like roommates and logistical partners rather than romantic partners? How can we start improving our marriages on our own? How do we rekindle fun and intimacy in our relationships?

On this episode, marriage strategist Rachel Ballard shares on the importance of prioritizing your relationship and how to get back on track if you and your spouse are in a rut. 

Being in a relationship and fixing your marriage is a job on some level. -Rachel Ballard 


3 Things We Learned From This Episode


1. It’s important to prioritize our marriages the way we do our parenting (05:11 – 07:20)
Our society focuses on how important children should be and that makes us prioritize them over our marriages. The truth is, our marriages also need focus and attention, and if we neglect it, the whole household suffers. Kids are happier and more well adjusted when they’re parents are happy, not where we’re putting them first above our partners.

 2. Making our marriages better doesn’t have to directly involve our partners (09:41 – 11:15)
In order for us to be happier in our marriages, we need to be happier individually. We have to learn the skill of making ourselves happy and exercise it. True happiness comes from working on ourselves, liking ourselves and being nicer to ourselves.  

3. Sometimes we need to break the ice to rekindle the romance (16:42 – 18:21)
Taking the first step to rekindling the romance in your marriage can be scary, and an icebreaker helps. Rachel developed a resource to give ideas for what you can text to your spouse to get the positive vibes, and banter going. It can initiate the types of conversations and interactions that will improve your marriage. 


Guest Bio- 

Rachel Ballard is a real-world, tell-it-like-it-is, marriage strategist and creator of the How To Like Your Husband Podcast. Rachel will shine a light on how you can generate loving energy into your partnership and (re)discover the foundation of your marriage, as you choose to move closer to designing a life (and solid friendship) with your husband built on love, lust, and loyalty! 

Get Rachels 50 Sexy Texts here

Visit for more information, to learn more about Rachel’s Marriage Intensive or to listen to the podcast.

You can also follow @mrsrachelballard.


March 18, 2020

How to Improve Your Marriage By Working On Yourself First w/Rachel Ballard


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