
How to Make Decisions As A Mom With A Business

Decision-making can feel like navigating a minefield in our shiny-object world, with endless tools, advice, trends, and “must-try” hacks constantly pulling us in different directions. Add in the juggle of running a business and a family, and it’s no wonder so many of us feel like we’re stuck in a constant cycle of second-guessing and wondering how to make decisions.

Let’s break down three friendly, straightforward strategies for how to make decisions confidently—ones that keep you moving forward and actually excited about your next steps!


1. Focus on the Decisions That Actually Matter

Let’s start with a truth: not every decision is equally important. I know it sounds obvious, but it’s so easy to get caught up in the small stuff. In the early days of my business, I’d spend way too much time on decisions that, in hindsight, didn’t even move the needle. It’s like being handed a ten-page menu at a restaurant (looking at you, Cheesecake Factory) and feeling completely overwhelmed by all the options.

Think of decision-making more like a French bistro with just a few expertly crafted choices. Your goal is to narrow down the list to the decisions that actually help you reach your goals.

  • Break Down Your Goals: At the beginning of any project, identify what success looks like. What decisions are necessary to make that success happen? Focusing on these essential choices will keep you from decision overload.
  • Create a “Decision List”: Write down all the decisions you need to make for your goals, and give yourself permission not to tackle everything at once. Sometimes, knowing when to make a decision is just as important as making it.

With your list in hand, take a deep breath. Having a clear roadmap means you’ll stay focused, avoid decision fatigue, and confidently handle what really matters.


2. Choose Your Top 3 Trusted People for Advice

When you’re working through how to make decisions, choosing who to listen to is half the battle. Everyone has an opinion, and trying to take in everyone’s advice can leave you stuck and second-guessing. Here’s a powerful rule of thumb: for each area of your life—whether it’s business, parenting, or personal growth—limit yourself to just three trusted voices.

  • One Expert Per Topic: For each type of decision, choose three people whose opinions you genuinely value. Let’s say it’s business advice—stick to a few mentors, friends, or industry experts whose insights align with your vision. This focused approach will keep you from getting lost in a rabbit hole of “shoulds” and “coulds.”
  • Avoid the Endless Scroll: The more voices you try to consider, the harder it gets to feel confident. Limit your input to these trusted sources so you can filter through the noise and move forward without second-guessing every choice.

Of course, you can still chat with others, but for those big, impactful decisions, sticking to your “Top 3” will help you feel grounded and make faster progress.


3. Set a Deadline for Each Decision

This one’s essential for avoiding analysis paralysis. Without a clear deadline, you might find yourself endlessly waiting to feel “ready” or “100% confident.” Spoiler alert: that feeling doesn’t always arrive.

  • Mark a Decision Day: Set a specific date to make each decision and stick to it. For big decisions, a week or two is usually enough; smaller ones might just need a day or two. Putting it on your calendar gives it weight and makes it more likely that you’ll follow through.
  • Trust What You Know: When decision day rolls around, review the info you’ve gathered, take into account any advice from your trusted three, and make the best choice with what you know. Don’t stress if you’re not 100% certain—80% confidence is often all you need to keep moving forward. You can adjust as you go!

Remember, there’s no such thing as perfect. Most of the time, the biggest wins come from taking action and learning along the way. So if you’re feeling “good enough”, go for it! The rest will unfold as you move forward.


Quick Recap

Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Focus on the Key Choices: Concentrate on decisions that align with your big goals, and don’t sweat the small stuff.
  • Choose Three Trusted Advisors: Pick three people who know their stuff and stick to their advice on specific topics—this keeps you grounded and focused.
  • Set a Realistic Deadline: Put each decision on a timeline and make it happen. Move forward and adjust as you learn!

Need Extra Support? Join BossMom+ for Fast, Hands-On Decision Help!

Decision-making can feel less daunting with the right support, and that’s exactly what we offer inside BossMom+. Whether you need guidance on a tricky business choice or just want to bounce ideas off people who get it, BossMom+ is here to help you move forward faster with confidence. You’ll gain access to a community of moms who’ve been there and who are ready to offer the support, insights, and real talk you need to make empowered decisions.

Ready to find your decision-making tribe? Join BossMom+ today and get the hands-on, fast support you need to take action and grow with confidence!

Business Mastery

June 17, 2016

How to Make Decisions As A Mom With A Business


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