
What Do You Have to Do to Start a Business?

If you’re thinking about starting a business or already have one in the works, this is for you. Let’s be real: balancing family and business isn’t always easy, but it’s incredibly fulfilling when you’re doing something that lights you up. So, if you’re wondering what it really takes to start a business as a mom, I want you to start by asking yourself one specific question. (And spoiler alert: it’s not about finding your “why!”)

The Real Question You Need to Answer First

I talk to so many brilliant, talented women with amazing business ideas, but there’s often a hesitation. They’re standing on the edge, unsure whether to leap. Many have skills they’re great at—graphic design, copywriting, teaching—but when I ask, “Do you actually want to build a business around this?” the answer isn’t always a confident yes.

So, before diving in, ask yourself: Are you starting this business because it’s something you truly want to do, or because it just seems like a good way to make money?


This is crucial. When we start a business just because we think it’ll pay the bills, but we’re not truly passionate about it, it’s an uphill battle.

Discovering What Really Lights You Up

Maybe you’re thinking, “Dana, I hear you, but I still need to pay the bills.” Absolutely. But here’s what I’ve learned from my own journey: people are so much more willing to pay when they see your passion and expertise in action. Whether you want to teach meal prepping, share organization hacks, or help others simplify their lives, there’s real value there.

The trick is structuring your offering to make sense for both you and your clients. Think about what format works best: is it one-on-one coaching, a group program, an online course? People will pay for what improves their lives, so there’s almost always a way to align your business idea with what the market needs.

Mindset Matters When It Comes to Money

One of the biggest barriers? Our own mindset around money. You may be asking yourself, “Will people actually pay for this?” But if you show up with clarity and passion, the answer is almost always yes. Think of all the times you’ve paid for something that solved a problem or brought you joy. Others can feel the same way about what you have to offer.

Here’s a reminder: don’t follow a path just because you think it’s profitable. Following the money alone, without a true connection to the work, can make running a business feel draining. But if you’re deeply invested in what you do, that energy attracts people who are willing to invest in you, too.

Get Practical: Write It All Down

Here’s an exercise to help you gain clarity. Grab a piece of paper and write down everything you’re currently doing in your business or everything you’re planning to do. Then, ask yourself about each item: Do I love this? Does this make me feel fulfilled? Do I want to get better at it and teach it to others?


If the answer is an enthusiastic “YES!” for some items, awesome—those are your focus areas. If it’s “meh” or “not really,” consider letting those go. It might be time to shift your focus toward what truly excites you and what you can envision doing long-term.

It’s About More Than Just “The Why”

Your “why” is important, but it’s not everything. While it’s great to know why you’re doing something, it’s just as essential to understand what you’re passionate about, what you’re skilled at, and what brings in income. Think of it as layering your “why” with what energizes you, your unique skills, and what your audience really needs. This combination is what leads to a sustainable business.

Finding Your Sweet Spot

If you have a few passions and aren’t sure which one to focus on, try this approach:

  1. Start with your passions.
  2. Add in your gifts—the things you’re naturally good at or that you love learning about.
  3. Finally, look at the financial side. Which of these passions realistically has the potential to bring in revenue with your available time and resources?

This way, you narrow down your focus to what aligns with your talents, your interests, and your income goals.

It’s Not All Smooth Sailing

Starting a business as a mom? It’s not always easy. There will be days when it feels really hard. But if you’re doing something you genuinely care about, those hard days feel more like an investment than a burden. And that’s what keeps you going. When you love what you do, your passion shines through, and it becomes easier to attract clients who want to work with you.

So, Boss Moms, take a moment to reflect, ask yourself the big questions, and get excited about the possibilities. Keep going after what you love, stay passionate, and know that we’re here cheering you on every step of the way!

Business Mastery

September 23, 2016

What Do You Have to Do to Start a Business?


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