
Taking Personal Development Mainstream with Alexi Panos. In this episode of the Boss Mom Podcast, Alexi talks about building a life where she can have a family and a thriving business at the same time. This episode is sponsored by Trello.

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In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How Alexi and her husband are preparing their business for kids before having them.
  • Building their life in the adventures they want to have and how they add their business to that life.
  • Integrating life and business intentionally.
  • Adding team members from your tribe.
  • How Alexi grew her tribe.
  • Being real and authentic.
  • Alexi’s journey to starting a non-profit and her coaching business.

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Allow transformation in your life by using Trello to organize your business, home, and life. Put all your ideas and thoughts into order visually using Trello.

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Can I quote you on that? 

  • The more I move into myself, the easier it becomes. – Alexi Panos
  • My realness attracts those who like me. – Alexi Panos
  • The simple things are what we’re all missing. – Alexi Panos

More about our guest, Alexi Panos.

I’m Alexi Panos, and I am an artist of life. Some would label me a Transformational Thought Leader, others would say I’m a Conscious Content Creator, but I believe it is all just amazing forms of ART. Through my art, I am insanely committed to empowering others to own their greatness and live a life they are completely OBSESSED with. I am on a mission to make personal development mainstream by synthesizing big ideas into fun, bite-sized nuggets of goodness that spread throughout the world and create a ripple effect of positivity and love.

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Health & Wellness

February 9, 2017

Episode 165: Taking Personal Development Mainstream with Alexi Panos


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