Let’s talk about the elephant in the room—mom guilt. You know, that pesky feeling that seems to be lurking around every corner, telling you that you’re not doing enough or being enough. I know it, you know it, and it’s time we dealt with it. Because honestly, mom guilt can keep us from stepping into our true power, and you deserve so much better. It’s like no matter what, you can’t escape feeling guilty as a working mom.

We’re not here to sugarcoat things or pretend that everything is perfect. Nope. We’re diving deep, getting real, and working through the guilt so you can own your role as both an incredible mom and a badass entrepreneur. So, grab your coffee, and let’s do this. 

Why Feeling Guilty As A Working Mom is So Common (And Why It’s Not Your Fault)

Mom guilt is like that unwanted guest who shows up at every event—uninvited but somehow always there. It’s the voice that tells us we’re dropping the ball, whether it’s with our kids, our business, our partners, or even just our housework. It’s that nagging feeling that whispers, “You could be doing more.” And let’s be real—who doesn’t feel that way sometimes?

Here’s the truth: society loves to put moms into boxes. We’re supposed to be nurturing, present, and perfect, but we’re also supposed to be ambitious, successful, and driven. It’s like trying to win a game where the rules keep changing and the goalposts keep moving. So, of course, we feel guilty when we fall short of these unrealistic expectations.

But let me tell you something: You are not failing. You’re doing the best you can with the resources, time, and energy you have. And that’s not just okay—it’s incredible.  

How to Deal with Working Mom Guilt

Let’s talk strategy. Because it’s one thing to acknowledge the guilt, but it’s another thing to actually do something about it. So, here’s how we’re going to tackle it like the boss moms we are.

1. Define Your Version of Success

First things first, let’s redefine what success looks like for you. Not what it looks like for Instagram or Pinterest or even your neighbor down the street. What does being a good mom look like to you? It’s not about having the cleanest house or the most elaborate DIY projects—it’s about showing up for your kids and loving them fiercely. It’s about being present when it matters, and it’s about creating a life that works for you and your family. Define your own version of success, and let the rest go.

2. Stop Comparing Your Behind-the-Scenes to Everyone Else’s Highlight Reel

You know what’s exhausting? Comparing ourselves to everyone else, especially when we’re seeing their best moments and living our messiest ones. Social media is full of curated snapshots, and it’s so easy to feel like you’re falling behind. But let’s be honest, no one’s life is perfect—not even those influencers who seem to have it all together. So, give yourself permission to step back, stop comparing, and start focusing on your journey. Because your story is amazing, and it’s uniquely yours.

3. Ask for Help 

Let’s get real—asking for help is one of the most empowering things you can do. You don’t have to wear all the hats all the time. You are not less of a mom, a wife, or a business owner for outsourcing what doesn’t need your magic touch. Whether that’s getting a sitter so you can focus on your work, hiring someone to clean the house, or having your partner take over dinner duty a few nights a week—asking for help is how you create space for what truly matters. Remember, being a boss mom means knowing how to delegate.

4. Be Kind to Yourself (You Deserve It)

Mom guilt often stems from the expectations we put on ourselves, and let’s face it—we’re our own worst critics. But what if, instead of being hard on ourselves, we practiced a little compassion? What if, instead of saying, “I should have done more,” we said, “I did the best I could today, and that’s enough”? Treat yourself the way you’d treat a friend. Give yourself some grace, because you’re doing something amazing every single day.

5. Set Boundaries

Boundaries are not selfish—they’re necessary. You need them for your sanity, for your family, and for your business. When you say yes to everything, you’re actually saying no to the things that matter most. So, take a minute to figure out what’s draining you and start setting some boundaries. Whether that’s limiting your work hours so you can have dinner with your family or saying no to that school committee, setting boundaries allows you to be present where it counts. The BossMom Daily Focus Board is a super handy tool for doing this by the way!

The Truth About Feeling Guilty As A Working Mom

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this, it’s that you are enough. Not because you checked off every box today, not because you managed to juggle work, family, and everything else perfectly—but because you show up. Because you care deeply. And because you’re committed to being the best mom and boss you can be.

Mom guilt will always try to creep in, but you don’t have to let it control you. Define your own success, stop comparing, ask for help, and set boundaries that honor your needs. You are building a life that’s meaningful for both you and your family, and that’s what really matters.

Ready to Kick Mom Guilt to the Curb?

If you’re ready to let go of the guilt and start living with more intention and joy, you’re in the right place. Join our amazing community of boss moms who are doing just that—balancing business, motherhood, and everything in between. We’re in this together, and you are doing an incredible job.

Check out more resources, support, and real talk at bossmom.com/join. Remember, —you’ve got this, and we’ve got you.


July 11, 2024

Feeling Guilty As A Working Mom


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