As women entrepreneurs, we are often shocked to find that collaboration over competition takes work, but as long as we become more mindful of ourselves, that doesn’t need to be a problem. Why is it so important to understand what makes us different from the other women in our space? Can we ever completely get rid of feelings of jealousy we may have towards all the successful ladies in our lives?
On this episode, women empowerment coach, Marta Spirk shares how to build stronger relationships with other women business owners.
Most of the time, feelings of competitiveness with other women come from a lack of understanding about how unique we are as individuals. -Marta Spirk
3 Things We Learned From This Episode
- Understand what makes us unique
A lot of the time, when women compete with each other, it’s because we’ve been trained to think we’re all the same and need to prove why we’re better than one another. The truth is, we are all unique. We have to understand what makes us different from other women entrepreneurs, not to prove we’re better, but to see where our distinct talents lie. - Become more aware of reactions
Most of us have had a moment when we’ve been jealous of another woman’s success and sometimes the successful woman in question is a close friend. The truth is, we will probably always have pangs of jealousy from time to time. The trick is to notice when we’re doing it and being mindful of not acting on our thoughts - Stop looking at other people
We can’t change other people, so stop trying to! Instead of focusing on other women’s achievements and lives, we have to start looking at our own. This can improve our gratitude for what we already have.
Guest Bio-
Marta Spirk is a writer, podcaster and woman empowerment coach. Her focus is teaching women how to increase their self-esteem and improve self-image by going on a deep-dive in inner work and personal development. Through her podcast The Empowered Woman, her virtual self-improvement school and in-person workshops, she hopes to encourage and uplift women to step into their own power and realize they can DO IT ALL!
To find out more about Marta, head to:
Books mentioned on this episode:
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
April 23, 2020